The Southeast ASIA-Europe Joint Funding Scheme on Research and Innovation (JFS)


     TCELS has joined the Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme (JFS) for Research and Innovation in 2017.  The JFS is to bring together Southeast Asian and European researchers and innovators to collaborate on topics of mutual interest. There is strong demand from the research and innovation community for a multilateral scheme, which would allow for societal challenges to be addressed, which is of benefit for both regions. The JFS is an instrument to pool resources at a multilateral level to support collaborative research and innovation projects and intends to develop a systematic approach to joint research and innovation activities between Southeast Asia and Europe. The JFS will also pave the way for sustainable cooperation between research and innovation institutions in both regions on the basis of the following activities: 
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•    Implementing joint research and innovation activities 
•    Enhancing bi-regional co-operation 
•    Developing new partnerships and strengthen existing ones 
•    Exchanging knowledge and best practice approaches 

Participating countries (2018)
•    Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam 
•    Bulgaria - Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)
•    Cambodia - Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY)
•    Indonesia – Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI)
•    Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) 
•    Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MoE)
•    The Philippines 
     - Department of Science and Technology (DoST), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology (PCIEERD)
     - Department of Science and Technology (DoST), Philippine Council for Health Research & Development (PCHRD)
•    Poland - National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
•    Spain - Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)
•    Sweden - Swedish Research Council for sustainable development (FORMAS) 
•    Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
•    Thailand 
     - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
     - Thailand Center for Excellence for Life Science (TCELS)
•    Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) 

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