Market Statistic Analysis

Herbal medicine is an integral part of traditional or alternative medicine, in which herbal remedies are derived from botanical, animal, or mineral products. These remedies have been used to treat and diagnose physical and mental illnesses.
The global stem cell market was valued at 6.87 million USD in 2016 and is expected to reach 15.63 million USD by 2025 with expansion at a CAGR of 9.2 percent because of increasing research to develop solutions for diseases through applications of novel therapeutic human stem cell technology. Cellular therapies are recognized as future major advancements which will transform the healthcare industry. 
In 2014, the value of the global surgical robotics market was 4 billion US dollars and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 20.03% percent over the next eight years.
The global supplementary food industry in 2016 made profit around 121.2 billion USD with 5.7% average growth rate per years. Although the fluctuation between 2009 and 2015 cause supplementary food industry growth rate to drop down, however there still some prediction witch believe in chance to growth back of this business due to growth rate inflate in Asia (exclude China, Japan and India) and East-Europe region that stay tune around 9%. There are also prediction form Nutrition Business Journal (NBJ) witch expect global supplementary food industry to reach 155 billion USD of profit in 2020.     
Regenerative medicine is a form of treatment where biological mechanisms play a role in repairing, replacing, and regenerating tissues and organs affected by injury, disease, or natural aging process. It is considered as a new form of treatment in the biomedical industry. 
Crystal Market Research estimated that in 2012, the global medical robotic systems market was evaluated around USD 6.69 billion and is expected to reach approximately USD 46.24 billion by 2022 while registering itself at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.32% over the forecast period. Major factors fueling the medical robots market growth are; rapidly emerging demand for efficient, precise and least invasive surgical procedures, expansion in the number of these surgical procedures owing to rising disease occurrence levels, is also expected to boost the market expansion.
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